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Spanish Proverbs - page 29
Better to bend than break.
Spanish Proverb
Better visit hell in your lifetime than after you're dead.
Spanish Proverb
Between two friends a notary and two witnesses.
Spanish Proverb
Two false men to one traitor.
Spanish Proverb
Two great talkers never go far together.
Spanish Proverb
Two of a trade can never agree.
Spanish Proverb
Two sparrows on one ear of corn never agree.
Spanish Proverb
Under a gold sheath a leaden knife.
Spanish Proverb
Under my cloak I command the king.
Spanish Proverb
Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
Spanish Proverb
Blue eyes say, Love me or I die; black eyes say, Love me or I kill thee.
Spanish Proverb
Brain is better than brawn.
Spanish Proverb
Call no man happy till he dies.
Spanish Proverb
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Spanish Proverb
Tripe broth, you make much of yourself.
Spanish Proverb
Trouble will rain on those who are already wet.
Spanish Proverb
Trouts are not caught with dry breeches.
Spanish Proverb
Trust in God upon good security.
Spanish Proverb
Two birds of prey do not keep each other company.
Spanish Proverb
Two boys are half a boy, and three boys are no boy at all.
Spanish Proverb
Call not a surgeon before you are wounded.
Spanish Proverb
Cheat me in the price and not in the goods.
Spanish Proverb