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Spanish Proverbs - page 28
Beads about the neck, and the devil in the heart.
Spanish Proverb
Bear and forbear.
Spanish Proverb
Welcome, misfortune, if you come alone.
Spanish Proverb
Well-married is when you have no mother-in-law and no sister-in-law.
Spanish Proverb
What a fool does in the end, the wise do in the beginning.
Spanish Proverb
What a woman wills God wills.
Spanish Proverb
What children hear their parents say by the fireside, they repeat in the highway.
Spanish Proverb
What Christ does not take the exchequer takes.
Spanish Proverb
What does not happen in a year may happen in a moment.
Spanish Proverb
What is another's always pines for its master.
Spanish Proverb
Beauty draws more than oxen.
Spanish Proverb
Better a good hope than a bad possession.
Spanish Proverb
Better alone than in bad company.
Spanish Proverb
Better have a bad ass than be your own ass.
Spanish Proverb
Better is rule than rent.
Spanish Proverb
Walnuts and pears you plant for your heirs.
Spanish Proverb
Watch out for a bad woman and never trust a good one.
Spanish Proverb
Water for oxen, wine for kings.
Spanish Proverb
We are not yet roasting, and already we make sops in the pan.
Spanish Proverb
We have no son, and yet are giving him a name.
Spanish Proverb
We have not yet saddled, and are already mounted.
Spanish Proverb
Better one-eyed than stone blind.
Spanish Proverb