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Spanish Proverbs - page 14
Where the sea goes let the sands go.
Spanish Proverb
When you are an anvil, bear; when you are a hammer, strike.
Spanish Proverb
A strong attack is half the battle won.
Spanish Proverb
It is very savoury to eat scot free.
Spanish Proverb
If you have a friend who is a doctor, make your bow and send him to the house of your enemy.
Spanish Proverb
I do not tell thee what thou art, thou wilt tell it thyself.
Spanish Proverb
He who has been first a novice and then an abbot, knows what the boys do behind the altar.
Spanish Proverb
He knows it as well as his Lord's Prayer.
Spanish Proverb
God keep you from "It is too late.”.
Spanish Proverb
Buy from desperate people, and sell to newlyweds.
Spanish Proverb
An ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship.
Spanish Proverb
A spot shows most on the finest cloth.
Spanish Proverb
The lazy man always does twice the work.
Spanish Proverb
Such awkward things will happen as going into the great square and coming back without ears.
Spanish Proverb
The land a man knows is his mother.
Spanish Proverb
To friend and foe alike I tell them how bad she is, so that I don't have to share her with anyone.
Spanish Proverb
After the house is finished, he deserts it.
Spanish Proverb
They took away the mirror from me because I was ugly, and gave it to the blind woman.
Spanish Proverb
To flee and to run are not all one.
Spanish Proverb
The ant gets wings that she may perish sooner.
Spanish Proverb
The fox knows a lot, but a woman in love knows even more.
Spanish Proverb
A beard well lathered is half shaved.
Spanish Proverb