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Scottish Proverbs - page 9
Good chear, and good cheap, garres many haunt the House.
Scottish Proverb
Mickle Water runs, where the Miller sleeps.
Scottish Proverb
Mint, ere ye strike.
Scottish Proverb
Misterfull folk must not be mensfull.
Scottish Proverb
Need hes no law.
Scottish Proverb
Need makes Virtue.
Scottish Proverb
Neirest the King, neirest the Widdie.
Scottish Proverb
Neirest to the Kirk, farthest fra God.
Scottish Proverb
Never rade, never fell.
Scottish Proverb
Hald in geir, helps well.
Scottish Proverb
Half a nuch is half sill.
Scottish Proverb
Half a tale is enough to a wise man.
Scottish Proverb
Hall-binks are fliddery.
Scottish Proverb
Happy man, happy cavil.
Scottish Proverb
March Whisquer was never a good Fisher.
Scottish Proverb
Meat is good, but Mense is better.
Scottish Proverb
Meat makes, and clothes shapes, but manners makes a man.
Scottish Proverb
Meikle Head, little Wit.
Scottish Proverb
He is blind that eats his marrow, but far blinder that lets him.
Scottish Proverb
He is fairest dung when his own wand dings him.
Scottish Proverb
He is not the fool that the fool is, but he that with the fool deals.
Scottish Proverb
He is poor that God Hates.
Scottish Proverb