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Scottish Proverbs - page 7
Shame shall fall them that shame thinks, to do themselves a good turn.
Scottish Proverb
She hath past the discipline of a Tavern.
Scottish Proverb
Betwixt twae stools the arse falls down.
Scottish Proverb
Biting and scarting is Scots folks Wooing.
Scottish Proverb
Blaw the wind nere so saft, it will lowen at the last.
Scottish Proverb
Bonie silver is soon spendit.
Scottish Proverb
Cats eats that Hussies spares.
Scottish Proverb
Cease your snow balls casting.
Scottish Proverb
Quhen the good-wife is fra hame, the keys are tint.
Scottish Proverb
Quhom God will help, no man can hinder.
Scottish Proverb
Rhue and time, grows both in ane garden.
Scottish Proverb
Cold cools the love that kindles over hot.
Scottish Proverb
Dead at the one door, and heirship at the other.
Scottish Proverb
Do the likeliest, and God will do the best.
Scottish Proverb
Put a begger on horseback, and he will ride fast, or else break his neck.
Scottish Proverb
Put your hand into the creel, and you will get either an adder, or an Eele.
Scottish Proverb
Put your hand no farther nor your sleeve may reek.
Scottish Proverb
Quhair stands your great horse?
Scottish Proverb
Quhen a man is full of lust, his wemb is full of leasing.
Scottish Proverb
Quhen I am dead, make me a caddel.
Scottish Proverb
Do weil and have weil.
Scottish Proverb
Drink and drouth comes sindle together.
Scottish Proverb