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Scottish Proverbs - page 38
Ae man may steal a horse where another daurna look ower the hedge.
Scottish Proverb
Aft times the cautioner pays the debt.
Scottish Proverb
When ye ca' the dog out o' your ain kail-yaird, dinna ca't into mine.
Scottish Proverb
Where macgregor sits is head of the table.
Scottish Proverb
Who invited you to the roast.
Scottish Proverb
Wise men o sittin.
Scottish Proverb
An auld mason makes a good barrow-man.
Scottish Proverb
An ilka-day maks a sabbath-day daw.
Scottish Proverb
When a ewie's drowned she's dead.
Scottish Proverb
When love cools fauts are seen.
Scottish Proverb
When the cat's away the mice will play.
Scottish Proverb
When the steed's stown lock the stable door.
Scottish Proverb
Any thing for a quiet life.
Scottish Proverb
As lang lives the merry man as the sad.
Scottish Proverb
As the sow fills the draff sours.
Scottish Proverb
Auld folk are twice bairns.
Scottish Proverb
Weil worth aw, that gars the plough draw.
Scottish Proverb
What baites one, banes another.
Scottish Proverb
Want of wit is waur than want of health.
Scottish Proverb
We are aye to learn as lang as we live.
Scottish Proverb
We maun live by the living and no by the dead.
Scottish Proverb
Wealth, like want, ruins mony.
Scottish Proverb