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Scottish Proverbs - page 34
All things hath a beginning, God excepted.
Scottish Proverb
Three may keep counsel if twa be away.
Scottish Proverb
Time tries the truth.
Scottish Proverb
An hired Horse tired never.
Scottish Proverb
An ill hound comes halting home.
Scottish Proverb
An ill win penny will cast down a pound.
Scottish Proverb
There is na man so deaf as he that will not hear.
Scottish Proverb
Ane ill word begets another, and it were at at the Bridge at London.
Scottish Proverb
Ane year a Nurish, seven years a Daw.
Scottish Proverb
The longer we live, the more farlies we see.
Scottish Proverb
Better a laying Hen nor a lyin Crown.
Scottish Proverb
Better good sale, nor good Ale.
Scottish Proverb
Sike man, sike master.
Scottish Proverb
Better have a Mouse in the pot as no flesh.
Scottish Proverb
Send him to the sea and he will not get water.
Scottish Proverb
Bourd not with Bawty, fear lest he bite ye.
Scottish Proverb
Cadgers speaks of lead saddles.
Scottish Proverb
Condition makes, and condition breakes.
Scottish Proverb
Do in Hill, as ye wald do in Hall.
Scottish Proverb
Drunken wife gat ay the drunken penny.
Scottish Proverb
Eat and drink measurely, and defie the mediciners.
Scottish Proverb
Falshood made never a fair Hinder-end.
Scottish Proverb