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Scottish Proverbs - page 27
The thing that is fristed, is not forgiven.
Scottish Proverb
There is na thief without a Resetter.
Scottish Proverb
Wrong count is no payment.
Scottish Proverb
An old Knave is na bairn.
Scottish Proverb
Better lang little, then soon right nought.
Scottish Proverb
Cast not forth the old water while the new come in.
Scottish Proverb
A fair fire makes a room flet.
Scottish Proverb
A good fellow tint never, but at an ill fellows hand.
Scottish Proverb
A skade mans head is soon broke.
Scottish Proverb
Better be dead as out of the fashion.
Scottish Proverb
Quhiles the hawk hes, and whiles he hunger hes.
Scottish Proverb
Take him up there with his five Egges, and four of them rotten.
Scottish Proverb
The next time ye dance, wit whom ye take by the hand.
Scottish Proverb
There is little to the rake to get after the beisome.
Scottish Proverb
Tide and time, bides na man.
Scottish Proverb
Ye seek grace at a gracelesse face.
Scottish Proverb
He braks my head, an' syne puts on my hoo.
Scottish Proverb
All is not in hand that helps.
Scottish Proverb
An unhappy mans Cairt is eith to tumble.
Scottish Proverb
Better a chigging mother, nor a riding father.
Scottish Proverb
A friends Dinner is soon dight.
Scottish Proverb
A half-penny Cat may look to the King.
Scottish Proverb