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Scottish Proverbs - page 26
Beauty but bounty avails nought.
Scottish Proverb
Better be well loved, nor ill won geir.
Scottish Proverb
Better never begun nor never endit.
Scottish Proverb
Charge your friend ere you need.
Scottish Proverb
A mean pot plaid never even.
Scottish Proverb
A tarrowing bairn was never fat.
Scottish Proverb
All Houndlesse man comes to the best Hunting.
Scottish Proverb
An answer in a word.
Scottish Proverb
An unch is a feast.
Scottish Proverb
Better no ring, nor the ring of a rash.
Scottish Proverb
Black will be no other Hue.
Scottish Proverb
Clap a carle on the culs, and he will shit in your louf.
Scottish Proverb
Do well, and doubt no man; and do weil, and doubt all men.
Scottish Proverb
They that will not be counselled cannot be helped.
Scottish Proverb
They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.
Scottish Proverb
It's a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.
Scottish Proverb
Good company on a journey is worth a coach.
Scottish Proverb
A friend by thee is better than a brother far off.
Scottish Proverb
Men may buy Gold over dear.
Scottish Proverb
Of other mens leather, men take large whangs.
Scottish Proverb
Quhen the cup is fullest, bear it evenest.
Scottish Proverb
Reavers should not be rewers.
Scottish Proverb