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Scottish Proverbs - page 19
He that spends his geir on a whore, hes both shame and skaith.
Scottish Proverb
If I may not keep geese, I shall keep gesline.
Scottish Proverb
It is short while seen the louse boore the langelt.
Scottish Proverb
Kindnesse cannot be bought for geir.
Scottish Proverb
Na man can both sup and blow together.
Scottish Proverb
Over hot, over cold.
Scottish Proverb
Quhen thy neighbours house is on fire, take tent to thy own.
Scottish Proverb
Better half hanged than ill married.
Scottish Proverb
Choose your wife with her nightcap on.
Scottish Proverb
Waves will rise on silent water.
Scottish Proverb
Open confession is good for the soul.
Scottish Proverb
Perfect love cannot be without equality.
Scottish Proverb
Diet cures mair than doctors.
Scottish Proverb
Praise the fine day in the evening.
Scottish Proverb
Willful waste makes woeful want.
Scottish Proverb
Egotism is an alphabet of one letter.
Scottish Proverb
Prayer and practice is good rhyme.
Scottish Proverb
Either a man or a mouse.
Scottish Proverb
A blind man needs no looking glass.
Scottish Proverb
From saving comes having.
Scottish Proverb
The devil's boots don't creak.
Scottish Proverb
There never came ill after good advertisement.
Scottish Proverb