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Russian Proverbs - page 7
A proverb can't be judged.
Russian Proverb
Afraid of the enemies - don't be a border guard.
Russian Proverb
Curious Varvara's nose was torn off.
Russian Proverb
Envy can breed swans from bad duck eggs.
Russian Proverb
Envy sees the sea but not the rocks.
Russian Proverb
Eternal peace lasts only until the next war.
Russian Proverb
Every sandpiper praises his own swamp.
Russian Proverb
Every vegetable has its time.
Russian Proverb
For every one with a plow-there're seven with a spoon.
Russian Proverb
He is dead who is faultless.
Russian Proverb
Hold your children with your heart but teach them with your hands.
Russian Proverb
Hypocrites kick with their hind feet while licking with their tongues.
Russian Proverb
If Moscow is the heart of Russia and St. Petersburg is its head, then Kiev is its mother.
Russian Proverb
If the peasant doesn't hear the thunder he won't make the sign of the cross.
Russian Proverb
If the pocket is empty, the judge is deaf.
Russian Proverb
If there is no apple one eats a little carrot.
Russian Proverb
If you want to be a hundred you must start young.
Russian Proverb
If you were born lucky, even your rooster will lay eggs.
Russian Proverb
It is never winter in the land of hope.
Russian Proverb
It will snap where it's the thinnest.
Russian Proverb
It's better to be a cripple than always sitting down.
Russian Proverb
Jabber, Emelya – your week.
Russian Proverb