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Russian Proverbs - page 42
The snail is coming, who knows when it arrives.
Russian Proverb
A clever head, but given to foolishness.
Russian Proverb
Moustaches are respected, and beards worn even by goats.
Russian Proverb
A drowning man grabs even a straw.
Russian Proverb
The titmouse boasted of putting the sea on the fire..
Russian Proverb
Bragging is unlike mowing; it won't make your back ache.
Russian Proverb
Quality goods advertise themselves.
Russian Proverb
Although there's nothing to eat, life is fun.
Russian Proverb
[You could] even chop sticks on (his) head.
Russian Proverb
Fate can't be avoided.
Russian Proverb
Another city (town) - another temper.
Russian Proverb
What we own, we don't [safe]keep [properly]; when [we] lose [it], [we] cry.
Russian Proverb
What [you] plant, [you] will harvest.
Russian Proverb
What's on sober's mind, is on drunk's tongue.
Russian Proverb
Another person's soul is [in] darkness.
Russian Proverb
[You] cannot hide an awl in a sack.
Russian Proverb
The apple falls not so far away from the apple-tree.
Russian Proverb
Your tongue will take you as far as Kiev.
Russian Proverb
The bad head does not give rest to the legs, and the cunning ass does not give rest to the legs, arms, or head.
Russian Proverb
A girl never grows into a lady.
Russian Proverb
A man should not be struck when he is down.
Russian Proverb
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
Russian Proverb