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Russian Proverbs - page 41
Don't open your mouth [to eat] other people's bread.
Russian Proverb
On the tongue [there's] honey, and on the heart [there's] ice.
Russian Proverb
Don't be afraid of the dog who barks, but be afraid of the one, who is silent and wags its tail.
Russian Proverb
[I] would have had no luck, if not for misfortune.
Russian Proverb
The wolf is beaten not for being grey, but for having eaten a sheep.
Russian Proverb
Don't wade into a river without knowing a ford.
Russian Proverb
Translations: Not the place adorns the man, but a man adorns the place.
Russian Proverb
Don't ask the old one, ask the experienced one.
Russian Proverb
Lambskin is not worth currying.
Russian Proverb
One cup (of liquor) is for health, second one is for fun, third one is for nothing.
Russian Proverb
Honest work won't let you live in a stone palace.
Russian Proverb
The first pancake is (always) a blob.
Russian Proverb
Even the sword doesn't cut the head of the one who confesses.
Russian Proverb
Fish seek a deep place, men seek a better place.
Russian Proverb
[One's] own burden doesn't encumber.
Russian Proverb
One thread from [everyone in] the world - [makes a] shirt for [the] naked.
Russian Proverb
The nightingale can't be fed by fables.
Russian Proverb
A magpie brought it on its tail.
Russian Proverb
[I'd like to] drink honey with your lips.
Russian Proverb
Put up with it cossack, and you'll be an ataman.
Russian Proverb
A job feeds a man, laziness spoils him.
Russian Proverb
A woman's hair is long, and her mind short.
Russian Proverb