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Russian Proverbs - page 40
Hunger is not [your] aunt (, [it] will not bring you a pie).
Russian Proverb
One doesn't shear naked sheep.
Russian Proverb
[Only] grave will cure the hunchback.
Russian Proverb
A goose is not a pig's friend.
Russian Proverb
Give [him] a fingernail, [he] will ask for the forearm.
Russian Proverb
Two deaths will not happen, [but] one is inevitable.
Russian Proverb
Even a cat appreciates kind word[s].
Russian Proverb
[When you are] at home, even the walls help [you].
Russian Proverb
A spring egg is dear at the Easter day.
Russian Proverb
[TheŃ/we] Ate and drank and make merry. Then [they/we] counted and shed tears.
Russian Proverb
If only youth would know, if only old age were able.
Russian Proverb
Forbidden fruit is sweet.
Russian Proverb
Extinguish the spark before the [the house is on] fire, deflect the trouble before [its] strike.
Russian Proverb
If the claw is stuck, the whole bird is lost.
Russian Proverb
Beware of the goat from its front side, of the horse - from its back side, and the evil man - from any side.
Russian Proverb
Don't swap horses when crossing the stream.
Russian Proverb
Where [goes] a horse with [its] hoof, there [goes] a crayfish with [its] pincer.
Russian Proverb
The affectionate calf sucks [udders of] two cows.
Russian Proverb
love's evil, you'll love even a goat.
Russian Proverb
On a fishing lull, even a crayfish is fish [, at the lack of people even a lazybones is a man].
Russian Proverb
On the belly there is silk, but in the belly - just a click.
Russian Proverb
A thief's hat burns.
Russian Proverb