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Russian Proverbs - page 4
There's no bad without the good.
Russian Proverb
I ran from the wolf but ran into a bear.
Russian Proverb
A soldier who doesn't dream of becoming a general is a bad one.
Russian Proverb
Seven troubles - one responce.
Russian Proverb
Measure seven times, cut once.
Russian Proverb
The sat one doesn't understand the hungry one: for one the soup is too thin, for the other - the pearls are too small.
Russian Proverb
Ride slower – you'll get further.
Russian Proverb
Bread is the head of everything.
Russian Proverb
A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.
Russian Proverb
You cannot pull a fish out of the pond without work.
Russian Proverb
A soldier on furlough lets his shirt hang out of his trousers.
Russian Proverb
You can't throw a handkerchief over somebody's mouth.
Russian Proverb
A spoonful of tar in a barrel of honey.
Russian Proverb
A thread from everyone will make a shirt for the needy.
Russian Proverb
Wild ducks and tomorrow both come without calling.
Russian Proverb
Without stooping down for the mushroom, you cannot put it in your basket.
Russian Proverb
A wooden bed is better than a golden coffin.
Russian Proverb
An empty mill will turn without the wind.
Russian Proverb
As hungry as a wolf.
Russian Proverb
Ask a lot, but take what is offered.
Russian Proverb
Beauty is the sister of idleness and the mother of luxury.
Russian Proverb
Choose a matchmaker, not a bride.
Russian Proverb