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Russian Proverbs - page 38
So the man, so his shadow.
Russian Proverb
Spending is quick, earning is slow.
Russian Proverb
Take time when time is, for time will away.
Russian Proverb
The apple doesn't fall far away from the apple-tree.
Russian Proverb
The bear dances but the tamer collects the money.
Russian Proverb
The belly is like a judge that is silent yet still asks questions.
Russian Proverb
The first snow does not mean winter, nor the first love marriage.
Russian Proverb
The horse may run quickly, but it can't escape its own tail.
Russian Proverb
The man is the flame, the woman the glow.
Russian Proverb
The night walks the same road as the dream.
Russian Proverb
The reserve doesn't weight your pocket.
Russian Proverb
The riches that are in the heart cannot be stolen.
Russian Proverb
The scythe ran into a stone.
Russian Proverb
The sun will shine into our yard too.
Russian Proverb
The tallest tree is rooted in the ground.
Russian Proverb
The wolf can always be hired very cheap as a shepherd.
Russian Proverb
There are more whores in hiding than there are public ones.
Russian Proverb
There is no evil without good.
Russian Proverb
They come into the courtroom in a suit and leave with no trousers.
Russian Proverb
To ask is no sin, and to be refused is no calamity.
Russian Proverb
To keep a new friend, never break with the old.
Russian Proverb
To us – in the tanks, going back – on the sleds.
Russian Proverb