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Russian Proverbs - page 37
In the garden of time grows the flower of consolation.
Russian Proverb
Know friend when trouble.
Russian Proverb
Live and scratch - when you're dead the itching will stop.
Russian Proverb
Living life is not like crossing a meadow.
Russian Proverb
Loose words are picked up like gold coin.
Russian Proverb
Mass is not repeated for the deaf.
Russian Proverb
Men who watch their fortune grow find their houses too small.
Russian Proverb
Mistrust is an axe in the tree of love.
Russian Proverb
Mock not the fallen, for slippery is the road ahead of you.
Russian Proverb
No year has two summers.
Russian Proverb
Nosy Barbara's nose was torn off at the market.
Russian Proverb
Not all who make love make marriages.
Russian Proverb
Once you have fallen into the water, you're not scared of water any more.
Russian Proverb
One never tires working for oneself.
Russian Proverb
One sprinkles the most sugar where the tart is burnt.
Russian Proverb
Paper is patient - you can put anything on it.
Russian Proverb
Poverty is not a sin, it's worse than that.
Russian Proverb
Pray to God but continue to row to the shore.
Russian Proverb
Pray to God, but keep on rowing to the shore.
Russian Proverb
Proverbs are the people's wisdom.
Russian Proverb
Pull out the beak and the tail gets stuck, pull out the tail and the beak gets stuck.
Russian Proverb
Rather a bitter truth than a sweet lie.
Russian Proverb