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Russian Proverbs - page 36
Even an eagle will not fly higher than the sun.
Russian Proverb
Even an old lady makes mistakes.
Russian Proverb
Even good dogs have fleas.
Russian Proverb
Every day is a messenger of God.
Russian Proverb
Every road has two directions.
Russian Proverb
Fear the goat from the front, the horse from the rear, and a man from all sides.
Russian Proverb
Feel free to jabber, Emelya-it's your week.
Russian Proverb
For him who does not believe in signs, there is no way to live in the world.
Russian Proverb
For ill do well, Then fear not hell.
Russian Proverb
Glory lies still; abuse is running.
Russian Proverb
God doesn't give more beards than soap.
Russian Proverb
God gives to those who get up early.
Russian Proverb
God is far up high, the Tsar is far away.
Russian Proverb
Having a good wife and rich cabbage soup, seek not other things.
Russian Proverb
He need not search his pockets for words.
Russian Proverb
He that would learn to pray, let him go to sea.
Russian Proverb
If everyone gives one thread, the poor man will have a shirt.
Russian Proverb
If everyone were a gentleman, who would make the mills work?
Russian Proverb
If you do not strike back at him who hits you, there is no way for him to find out whether you also have hands.
Russian Proverb
If you follow god, you won't find anything.
Russian Proverb
If you go to war pray once; if you go on a sea journey pray twice; but pray three times when you are going to be married.
Russian Proverb
In a fight the rich man tries to save his face, the poor man his coat.
Russian Proverb