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Russian Proverbs - page 33
Idleness is the mother of all vices.
Russian Proverb
If a poor man finds a penny, it is probably a false one.
Russian Proverb
Regretting the past is like chasing after the wind.
Russian Proverb
Seek the brave in prison and the stupid among the clergy.
Russian Proverb
If age and experience came at birth, We would have neither youth nor mirth.
Russian Proverb
If God listened to every shepherd's curse, our sheep would all be dead.
Russian Proverb
If God sends you meal, the devil takes the sack.
Russian Proverb
Only a fool will make a doctor his heir.
Russian Proverb
Overseas, a cow costs a quarter of kopeck, but it will cost a rouble to ship it here.
Russian Proverb
Praise a fair day at night.
Russian Proverb
If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
Russian Proverb
If you don't crack the shell, you can't eat the nut.
Russian Proverb
One who sits between two chairs may easily fall down.
Russian Proverb
One would like to eat honey, but would not like to get stung.
Russian Proverb
In a deal there are two fools: the one who asks too much and the one who asks too little.
Russian Proverb
On an empty belly every burden is heavy.
Russian Proverb
One can get sick of cake, but never of bread.
Russian Proverb
One cannot make a fur coat from a "Thank you.”.
Russian Proverb
In a rickety stable the cow produces no milk.
Russian Proverb
In the lake of lies there are many dead fish.
Russian Proverb
In the land of hope, there is never any winter.
Russian Proverb
In the times of czar Goroch.
Russian Proverb