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Russian Proverbs - page 32
Glowing coals sparkle oft.
Russian Proverb
God bestows no horns upon an ill-tempered cow.
Russian Proverb
Tell God the truth, but give the judge money.
Russian Proverb
Tell lies, but become not tangled in lies.
Russian Proverb
Thanks to one small candle the whole of Moscow burns.
Russian Proverb
The appetite comes with eating.
Russian Proverb
The beautiful is less what one sees than what one dreams.
Russian Proverb
The blind cannot see -- the proud will not.
Russian Proverb
God does not give to the cow that butts.
Russian Proverb
God wanted to chastise mankind, so he sent lawyers.
Russian Proverb
Golden hands, but a wicked mouth.
Russian Proverb
Still water undermines the bank.
Russian Proverb
Stretch your legs according to your clothes.
Russian Proverb
Success and rest don't sleep together.
Russian Proverb
Take the goods the gods provide.
Russian Proverb
Happiness is not a horse, you cannot harness it.
Russian Proverb
Having given your word, be strong; not having done it, try not to promise.
Russian Proverb
He took the devil's mat, but he'll pay back with his skin.
Russian Proverb
Smooth hands love the labor of others.
Russian Proverb
Some people are masters of money, and some people are slaves of it.
Russian Proverb
Sorrow doesn't kill, but it blights.
Russian Proverb
Heart with pepper, soul with garlic.
Russian Proverb