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Russian Proverbs - page 3
That's where the dog is buried.
Russian Proverb
They use a wedge to knock out a wedge.
Russian Proverb
Out of sight, out of heart.
Russian Proverb
Morning is wiser than the evening.
Russian Proverb
You cannot please everybody.
Russian Proverb
Without the shepherd, sheep are not a flock.
Russian Proverb
Moscow does not believe in tears.
Russian Proverb
Not for village, not for town.
Russian Proverb
Tell me who your friends are and i'll tell you who you are.
Russian Proverb
Fear has big eyes.
Russian Proverb
Hope for God, but do not be reliant.
Russian Proverb
Like two drops of water.
Russian Proverb
Look for wind in a field.
Russian Proverb
Old age is not a joy, but death is not a gain.
Russian Proverb
Take together, it will not be heavy.
Russian Proverb
You cannot break through a wall with your forehead.
Russian Proverb
You cannot hang everything on a single peg.
Russian Proverb
A spoken word is not a sparrow. Once it flies out, you can't catch it.
Russian Proverb
God keeps those safe who keep themselves safe.
Russian Proverb
Time makes the best healer.
Russian Proverb
Every cricket must know its hearth.
Russian Proverb
You cannot throw a word out of a song.
Russian Proverb