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Russian Proverbs - page 25
One stupid woman recognizes another one from a distance.
Russian Proverb
One who seeks no friends is his own enemy.
Russian Proverb
One would like to eat fish, but would not like to get into the water.
Russian Proverb
Only death will cure the hunchback.
Russian Proverb
Overseas, a cow a quarter of kopeck, but a rouble to ship.
Russian Proverb
Partnership is an invention of the devil.
Russian Proverb
Peace lasts till the army comes, and the army lasts till peace comes.
Russian Proverb
Rain falls alike on the just and the unjust.
Russian Proverb
Rotten straw can harm a healthy horse.
Russian Proverb
Seven nannies make a one-eyed kid.
Russian Proverb
Small choice in rotten apples.
Russian Proverb
Small gifts go to places where men expect bigger ones.
Russian Proverb
Success consecrates the foulest crimes.
Russian Proverb
Success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan.
Russian Proverb
Tears come more often from the eyes than from the heart.
Russian Proverb
Tell God the truth, but give money to the judge.
Russian Proverb
That's the snag!.
Russian Proverb
That's, Grandma, the Yuri's Day.
Russian Proverb
The cart is still there.
Russian Proverb
The casket opened in a simple way.
Russian Proverb
The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I'll walk carefully.
Russian Proverb
The devil is not so frighful as he is painted.
Russian Proverb