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Russian Proverbs - page 23
He who serves the Tsar cannot serve his people.
Russian Proverb
His word is as good as a tied knot.
Russian Proverb
How is prompted, it will bounce back.
Russian Proverb
However much you steal from your state, all the same you won't get your own back.
Russian Proverb
However would the string wind, the end will be reached.
Russian Proverb
However you feed the wolf, he still looks at the wood.
Russian Proverb
Hunger is not your aunt.
Russian Proverb
If one hand were the other they would both want to be clean.
Russian Proverb
If rubles fell from heaven the poor would have no bag.
Russian Proverb
If the devil catch a man idle he'll set him at work.
Russian Proverb
If there is no caviar one eats porridge.
Russian Proverb
If you are going to do something carelessly, it is better to give it up entirely.
Russian Proverb
If you didn't catch anything when fishing, then a crab is a fish.
Russian Proverb
If you enjoy riding, you better enjoy pulling the sleigh.
Russian Proverb
If you feel an urge to work, take a nap, and it will pass.
Russian Proverb
If you have eaten the morsel on Wednesday, do not look for it on Thursday.
Russian Proverb
If you throw nettles into your neighbors garden you will find them growing in your own.
Russian Proverb
In a quarrel, leave room for reconciliation.
Russian Proverb
It is easier to bear a child once a year than to shave every day.
Russian Proverb
It is unpleasant to go alone, even to be drowned.
Russian Proverb
It makes chicken laugh.
Russian Proverb
It takes all kinds of trees to make a forest.
Russian Proverb