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Russian Proverbs - page 21
A drop of water in the eyes of the Tsar costs the country many handkerchiefs.
Russian Proverb
A golden handshake convinces even the most skeptical judge.
Russian Proverb
A guest has not to thank the host, but the host the guest.
Russian Proverb
A hammer will shatter glass yet it can forge steel.
Russian Proverb
A handful of dirt is pleasing if it's your own land.
Russian Proverb
A liar can go round the world but cannot come back.
Russian Proverb
A lucky man can stumble upon a treasure while an unlucky one can't even find a mushroom.
Russian Proverb
A mile walk with a friend has only one hundred steps.
Russian Proverb
A net will catch more than a pole.
Russian Proverb
A stranger's soul is like a dark forest.
Russian Proverb
A thief's hat is burning.
Russian Proverb
A virgin's heart is a dark forest.
Russian Proverb
A wolf won't eat wolf.
Russian Proverb
A woman's tongue is longer than her hair.
Russian Proverb
After a storm comes fair weather, after sorrow comes joy.
Russian Proverb
Do not plant a tree with its root upward.
Russian Proverb
Do not spit into the well you may have to drink of.
Russian Proverb
Do not teach a learned person.
Russian Proverb
Don't pluck the apple while it is green; when it is ripe it will fall of itself.
Russian Proverb
Don't swear off of beggary and jail.
Russian Proverb
Each time it is different.
Russian Proverb
Ears do not grow higher than the head.
Russian Proverb