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Russian Proverbs - page 2
One son is no son, two sons is no son, but three sons is a son.
Russian Proverb
The scythe has hit a stone.
Russian Proverb
Friendship is friendship, but keep our tobacco apart.
Russian Proverb
If you don't have a hundred rubles, make sure you have a hundred friends.
Russian Proverb
The slower you go, the farther you will be.
Russian Proverb
He makes the bed soft, yet it's hard to sleep on.
Russian Proverb
Be patient, cossack, and you'll be a chieftain.
Russian Proverb
If the family is together, the soul is in the right place.
Russian Proverb
Seven people don't wait for one.
Russian Proverb
Habit is a second nature.
Russian Proverb
One fisherman sees another from afar.
Russian Proverb
An unsolicited guest is worse than a tatar.
Russian Proverb
Living life is not like just crossing a field.
Russian Proverb
Good brotherhood is the best wealth.
Russian Proverb
A bad rumour flies on wings.
Russian Proverb
A new broom sweeps in a new way.
Russian Proverb
All roads lead to Moscow.
Russian Proverb
It's better to be too aware than too unaware.
Russian Proverb
Neither fish nor meat.
Russian Proverb
Reperition is a mother of learning.
Russian Proverb
Shame is worse than death.
Russian Proverb
The cat knows who's meat it has eaten.
Russian Proverb