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Russian Proverbs - page 16
One doesn't bring samovars to Tula.
Russian Proverb
One fisherman recognizes another from afar.
Russian Proverb
In other persons' eye one can see a mote, in one's own – cannot see a log.
Russian Proverb
In the kingdom of hope, there is no winter.
Russian Proverb
Invite a peasant to your table and he'll put his feet on it.
Russian Proverb
It is a bad workman that has a bad saw.
Russian Proverb
It's a crime if you get caught.
Russian Proverb
It's easier to tear a hole than to mend one.
Russian Proverb
It's nice to have a spoon in time for dinner.
Russian Proverb
Much noise from nothing.
Russian Proverb
Mute as a fish.
Russian Proverb
Neither rhyme nor harmony.
Russian Proverb
Keep your ears wider and your mouth narrower.
Russian Proverb
Law is a flag and gold is the wind that makes it wave.
Russian Proverb
Living mindlessly is paradise.
Russian Proverb
Love and eggs are best when they are fresh.
Russian Proverb
Love is like a glass that breaks if handled clumsily.
Russian Proverb
Make peace with people; wage war with your sins.
Russian Proverb
An empty barrel rattles louder.
Russian Proverb
God comes with leaden feet but strikes with iron hands.
Russian Proverb
Love makes the owl seem prettier than a white falcon.
Russian Proverb
Peace and harmony is great treasure.
Russian Proverb