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Russian Proverbs - page 11
With seven nurses the child loses its eye.
Russian Proverb
A word of kindness is better than a bottle of vodka.
Russian Proverb
Absentmindedness is searching for the horse you are riding.
Russian Proverb
Abuse doesn't hang on the collar.
Russian Proverb
Accidents will happen in the best-regulated families.
Russian Proverb
Advertising is the driving force of business.
Russian Proverb
After a storm fair weather, after sorrow joy.
Russian Proverb
When you live next to the cemetery, you cannot weep for everyone.
Russian Proverb
Who reminds old, will be deprived of his eye.
Russian Proverb
All the cones drop on poor makar.
Russian Proverb
An indispensable thing never has much value.
Russian Proverb
An old man telling lies is like a rich man stealing.
Russian Proverb
When Anger and Revenge get married, their daughter is called Cruelty.
Russian Proverb
Masters are fighting, servants' forelocks are creaking.
Russian Proverb
When the wine is run out, you stop the leak.
Russian Proverb
Any fish is good if it is on the hook.
Russian Proverb
As chicken is not a bird, woman is not a human being.
Russian Proverb
As soon as your cart is turned over, everyone rushes to give you advice.
Russian Proverb
As you cooked the porridge, so must you eat it.
Russian Proverb
Ask a silly question and you get a silly answer.
Russian Proverb
We all see the same sun, but we don't eat the same meal.
Russian Proverb
What men usually ask for when they pray to God is, that two and two may not make four.
Russian Proverb