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Romanian Proverbs - page 8
Two bigs will not go in one bag.
Romanian Proverb
Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it.
Romanian Proverb
Two dogs to one bone, may never accord in one.
Romanian Proverb
An ass endures his burden, but not more than his burden.
Romanian Proverb
An ass must be tied where the master will have him.
Romanian Proverb
An idle youth, a needy age.
Romanian Proverb
An ill turn is soon done.
Romanian Proverb
An occasion lost cannot be redeemed.
Romanian Proverb
To set the wolf to keep the sheep.
Romanian Proverb
To take counsel of one's pillow.
Romanian Proverb
To think that larks will fall into one's mouth ready roasted.
Romanian Proverb
Tongue breaks bone and herself has none.
Romanian Proverb
Too hasty burned his lips.
Romanian Proverb
Truth finds foes, where it makes none.
Romanian Proverb
An ounce of fortune is worth a pound of forecast.
Romanian Proverb
An ox is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue.
Romanian Proverb
Appetite comes with eating.
Romanian Proverb
To cast pearls before swine.
Romanian Proverb
At length the fox is brought to the furrier.
Romanian Proverb
At length the fox turns monk.
Romanian Proverb
At open doors dogs come in.
Romanian Proverb
Beauty fades like a flower.
Romanian Proverb