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Romanian Proverbs - page 4
Better a healthy donkey than a consumptive philosopher.
Romanian Proverb
Only what you have in your hand is not a lie.
Romanian Proverb
Before you find God, you will be eaten by saints.
Romanian Proverb
The rich man makes mistakes and the poor men get the blame.
Romanian Proverb
He who wants to talk with the dogs must learn to bark.
Romanian Proverb
Beauty without wisdom is like a flower in the mud.
Romanian Proverb
The man who takes legal action often loses an ox to win a cat.
Romanian Proverb
The man of many trades begs his bread on Sunday.
Romanian Proverb
The looking glass is the enemy of ugly women.
Romanian Proverb
Winter will ask you what you did during the summer.
Romanian Proverb
Don't throw your blanket in the fire just because it has one flea in it.
Romanian Proverb
When you spit against the wind you get a dirty beard.
Romanian Proverb
Long and lazy, little and loud; fat and fulsome, pretty and proud.
Romanian Proverb
The hen that cackles in the evening lays no eggs in the morning.
Romanian Proverb
It is idle to swallow the cow and choke on the tail.
Romanian Proverb
When men take wives they stop fearing hell.
Romanian Proverb
In a house where two daughters live, the cat dies of thirst.
Romanian Proverb
Complain about the house where the husband is the wife.
Romanian Proverb
A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison.
Romanian Proverb
When a liar speaks the truth, he is sick.
Romanian Proverb
Take an ox by its horns, a man by his heart.
Romanian Proverb
If you want to sweep the steps clean, start at the top.
Romanian Proverb