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Romanian Proverbs - page 29
Hell and destruction are never full.
Romanian Proverb
Idleness is the key of poverty.
Romanian Proverb
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Romanian Proverb
A fool's bolt is soon shot.
Romanian Proverb
A hired horse tired never.
Romanian Proverb
Blind men should judge no colors.
Romanian Proverb
Covetousness breaks the bag.
Romanian Proverb
Did you ever hear an ass play on a harp?
Romanian Proverb
Dry bread is better with love than a fat capon with fear.
Romanian Proverb
Fish must swim thrice.
Romanian Proverb
Friends tie their purse with a cobweb thread.
Romanian Proverb
Hatred stirreth up strife.
Romanian Proverb
He is unworthy of life that causes not life in another.
Romanian Proverb
He that has no honey in his pot, let him have it in his mouth.
Romanian Proverb
He that speaks sows and he that holds his peace gathers.
Romanian Proverb
He who comes uncalled sits unserved.
Romanian Proverb
Hell is paved with good intentions.
Romanian Proverb
Ill gotten, ill spent.
Romanian Proverb
A horse may stumble that has four legs.
Romanian Proverb
After a great getter comes a great spender.
Romanian Proverb
Almost and very nigh saves many a lie.
Romanian Proverb
An unbidden guest knows not where to sit.
Romanian Proverb