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Romanian Proverbs - page 27
He that lies upon the ground can fall no lower.
Romanian Proverb
He that too much embraceth holds little.
Romanian Proverb
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Romanian Proverb
If the young man would and the old man could, there would be nothing undone.
Romanian Proverb
In much corn is some cockle.
Romanian Proverb
A close mouth catches no flies.
Romanian Proverb
A good bestill is worth a groat.
Romanian Proverb
After pleasure comes pain.
Romanian Proverb
April rains for men; May, for beasts.
Romanian Proverb
Better master one than engage with ten.
Romanian Proverb
Cabbage twice cooked is death.
Romanian Proverb
Cut not the bough that thou standest upon.
Romanian Proverb
Do as the friar says, not as he does.
Romanian Proverb
Envy always shoots at a high mark.
Romanian Proverb
Every man shall bear his own burden.
Romanian Proverb
Give a clown your finger, and he will take your hand.
Romanian Proverb
Goslings lead the geese to water.
Romanian Proverb
He that asks faintly begs a denial.
Romanian Proverb
Puff not against the wind.
Romanian Proverb
Saying is one thing, and doing another.
Romanian Proverb
Soft pace goes far.
Romanian Proverb
The old dog doesn't bark without reason.
Romanian Proverb