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Romanian Proverbs - page 20
Where nothing is, the king must lose his right.
Romanian Proverb
Who hath no horse may ride on a staff.
Romanian Proverb
Wine is a turncoat.
Romanian Proverb
Knowledge without practice is nothing.
Romanian Proverb
Like father, like son; like mother like daughter.
Romanian Proverb
Love is blind, but marriage finds a cure.
Romanian Proverb
Many men have many minds.
Romanian Proverb
No fool to the old fool.
Romanian Proverb
None says his garner is full.
Romanian Proverb
The butcher looked for his knife and it was in his mouth.
Romanian Proverb
The hasty bitch brings forth blind whelps.
Romanian Proverb
The reasons of the poor weigh not.
Romanian Proverb
The worst hog often gets the best pear.
Romanian Proverb
They have most bread who have least teeth.
Romanian Proverb
Time is the father of truth.
Romanian Proverb
We carry our neighbours' failings in sight; we throw our own crimes over our shoulders.
Romanian Proverb
When an ass kicks you, never tell it.
Romanian Proverb
Wine makes glad the heart of man.
Romanian Proverb
Like king, like people.
Romanian Proverb
Our last garment is made without pockets.
Romanian Proverb
Long absent, soon forgotten.
Romanian Proverb
One foot is better than two crutches.
Romanian Proverb