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Romanian Proverbs - page 2
A tent without a woman is like a violin with no strings.
Romanian Proverb
When the head does not work, the legs suffer.
Romanian Proverb
A woman's tongue is a double edged knife.
Romanian Proverb
Acorns were good till bread was found.
Romanian Proverb
When a thing is done, advice comes too late.
Romanian Proverb
Before you make a friend, eat a bushel of salt with him.
Romanian Proverb
Better a mouse in the pot than no meat at all.
Romanian Proverb
Better an ugly duckling from your own village than a beauty from foreign parts.
Romanian Proverb
The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.
Romanian Proverb
The needle is small, but it sews expensive garments.
Romanian Proverb
Do not rake up old grievances.
Romanian Proverb
The lamp is not burning for those asleep.
Romanian Proverb
Don't try to sell pumpkins to a gardener.
Romanian Proverb
Even in paradise it is no fun to be alone.
Romanian Proverb
The eyes have one language everywhere.
Romanian Proverb
The devil gives even rich men presents.
Romanian Proverb
The devil is not so black as he is painted.
Romanian Proverb
The blessing of having many children has never broken a man's roof.
Romanian Proverb
From the same wood you can make a cross or a club.
Romanian Proverb
Gloves hide the ugliest hands.
Romanian Proverb
Small tree trunks can make the cart turn over.
Romanian Proverb
One short step lengthens life.
Romanian Proverb