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Romanian Proverbs - page 19
The work shows the workman.
Romanian Proverb
There would be no great ones if there were no little ones.
Romanian Proverb
Time devours all things.
Romanian Proverb
To promise and give nothing is comfort to a fool.
Romanian Proverb
Water afar off quenches not fire.
Romanian Proverb
When all men say you are an ass, it is time to bray.
Romanian Proverb
Where is well with me, there is my country.
Romanian Proverb
Words cut more than swords.
Romanian Proverb
Lightly gained, quickly lost.
Romanian Proverb
No flying without wings.
Romanian Proverb
None more bare than the shoemaker's wife and the smith's mare.
Romanian Proverb
Old fish and young flesh do feed men best.
Romanian Proverb
Patience provoked turns to fury.
Romanian Proverb
Praise to the face is open disgrace.
Romanian Proverb
Riches bring care and fears.
Romanian Proverb
sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labour wears.
Romanian Proverb
The earthen pot must keep clear of the brass kettle.
Romanian Proverb
The king is dead. Long live the King.
Romanian Proverb
The world is a ladder for some to go up and some down.
Romanian Proverb
There's none so deaf as those who will not hear.
Romanian Proverb
Time discloses all things.
Romanian Proverb
To rob Peter to pay Paul.
Romanian Proverb