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Romanian Proverbs - page 13
Take heed of reconciled enemies and of meat twice boiled.
Romanian Proverb
Take no more on you than you're able to bear.
Romanian Proverb
Fortune is variant.
Romanian Proverb
Foul water as soon as fair will quench hot fire.
Romanian Proverb
Fresh fish and new-come guests smell in three days.
Romanian Proverb
From a bad paymaster get what you can.
Romanian Proverb
Sow thin and mow thin.
Romanian Proverb
Stars are not seen where the sun shines.
Romanian Proverb
Gentle is that gentle does.
Romanian Proverb
God sends meat and the devil sends cooks.
Romanian Proverb
God stays long, but strikes at last.
Romanian Proverb
Small sorrows speak; great ones are silent.
Romanian Proverb
So long as you don't step on a snail's tail, he won't get up and bite you.
Romanian Proverb
Sodom apples outwardly fair, ashes at the core.
Romanian Proverb
Some people may have reasons unknown to you for doing certain things.
Romanian Proverb
Something impossible, something it will never happen.
Romanian Proverb
Good is good, but better carries it.
Romanian Proverb
Good land, evil way.
Romanian Proverb
Good wine needs no bush.
Romanian Proverb
Good words anoint us, and ill do unjoint us.
Romanian Proverb
Goose and gander and gosling are three sounds but one thing.
Romanian Proverb
Scald not your lips in another man's pottage.
Romanian Proverb