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Romanian Proverbs - page 12
Examples evil communications corrupt good manners.
Romanian Proverb
Face to face, the truth comes out.
Romanian Proverb
The cat is hungry when a crust contents her.
Romanian Proverb
The charitable give out at the door, and God puts in at the window.
Romanian Proverb
The common horse is worst shod.
Romanian Proverb
The cow gives a good pail of milk and then kicks it over.
Romanian Proverb
Fair is not fair, but that which pleases.
Romanian Proverb
Fair words break no bones.
Romanian Proverb
Fair words fill not the belly.
Romanian Proverb
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain.
Romanian Proverb
Fear gives wings.
Romanian Proverb
Fear hath a quick ear.
Romanian Proverb
Fear keeps the garden better than the gardener.
Romanian Proverb
Few words to the wise suffice.
Romanian Proverb
The best parents are both purses for money and sacks for the corn.
Romanian Proverb
The camel going to seek horns, lost his ears.
Romanian Proverb
First think, and then speak.
Romanian Proverb
Fish and guests stink after three days.
Romanian Proverb
Foolish tongues talk by the dozen.
Romanian Proverb
Fools are wise as long as silent.
Romanian Proverb
For a flying enemy make a golden bridge.
Romanian Proverb
Such bird, such egg.
Romanian Proverb