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Portuguese Proverbs - page 32
Between smith and smith no money passes.
Portuguese Proverb
Between the hand and the lip the morsel may slip.
Portuguese Proverb
Between the hand and the mouth the soup is lost.
Portuguese Proverb
Beware of a bad woman, and put no trust in a good one.
Portuguese Proverb
Beware of a door that has many keys.
Portuguese Proverb
Beware of a pledge that eats.
Portuguese Proverb
Bleed him, purge him, and if he dies, bury him.
Portuguese Proverb
Blessed are the dead that the rain rains on.
Portuguese Proverb
They are rich who have friends.
Portuguese Proverb
Broken friendship may be soldered but can never be made sound.
Portuguese Proverb
Buy your greyhound, don't rear him.
Portuguese Proverb
The wolf eats of what is counted.
Portuguese Proverb
The wolf loses his teeth, but not his inclination.
Portuguese Proverb
The wolf never wants a pretext against the lamb.
Portuguese Proverb
The wrath of brothers is the wrath of devils.
Portuguese Proverb
There are bad things that come for the good.
Portuguese Proverb
Conceal not your secret from your friend, or you deserve to lose him.
Portuguese Proverb
Death makes us equal in the grave but not in eternity.
Portuguese Proverb
Despise your enemy and you will soon be beaten.
Portuguese Proverb
Destroy the lion while he is but a whelp.
Portuguese Proverb
Do as I say, not as I do.
Portuguese Proverb
Do good, and care not to whom.
Portuguese Proverb