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Portuguese Proverbs - page 28
Mouth of honey, heart of gall.
Portuguese Proverb
Never say: ‘of this water I will never drink.'
Portuguese Proverb
One year's seeding makes seven years weeding.
Portuguese Proverb
Passed waters can't move the mills.
Portuguese Proverb
The ass's son brays one hour daily.
Portuguese Proverb
The envious man's face grows lean and his eye swells.
Portuguese Proverb
The gardener's dog neither eats greens not lets any one else eat them.
Portuguese Proverb
The habit doesn't make the monk.
Portuguese Proverb
The hen's eyes turn to where she has her eggs.
Portuguese Proverb
The mare's kick does not harm the colt.
Portuguese Proverb
The mare's kicks are caresses to the colt.
Portuguese Proverb
The rat does not leave the cat's house with a bellyful.
Portuguese Proverb
There's no catching trouts with dry breeches.
Portuguese Proverb
There's no handsome woman on the wedding day, except the bride.
Portuguese Proverb
To change one's habits has a smell of death.
Portuguese Proverb
Trust not a horse's heels.
Portuguese Proverb
Visits always give pleasure – if not the arrival, the departure.
Portuguese Proverb
Water by Saint John's takes oil and doesn't give bread.
Portuguese Proverb
Where there is life there is hope.
Portuguese Proverb
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Portuguese Proverb
Brag is a good dog, but holdfast is better.
Portuguese Proverb
Whither goes thou, misfortune? to where there is more.
Portuguese Proverb