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Portuguese Proverbs - page 26
You need not find a shelter for an old ox.
Portuguese Proverb
Who eats his fowl alone, must saddle his horse alone.
Portuguese Proverb
The ox that tossed me threw me into a good place.
Portuguese Proverb
Pretend to be dead and the bull will leave you alone.
Portuguese Proverb
If you give orders and leave, the work won't get done.
Portuguese Proverb
He keeps his road well enough who gets rid of bad company.
Portuguese Proverb
As they pipe to me, I will dance.
Portuguese Proverb
A ragged colt may make a handsome horse.
Portuguese Proverb
You may keep yourself safe from fire, but not from a bad man.
Portuguese Proverb
Thinking of where you are going, you forget from whence you came.
Portuguese Proverb
The cat is a good friend, only she scratches.
Portuguese Proverb
A donkey's cries don't reach heaven.
Portuguese Proverb
A drunk's ass has no master.
Portuguese Proverb
A girl, a vineyard and a bean field are difficult to guard.
Portuguese Proverb
A small pack becomes a small peddler.
Portuguese Proverb
An honest man's word is as good as the king's.
Portuguese Proverb
An hour of play discovers more than a year of conversation (does).
Portuguese Proverb
Another man's trade costs money.
Portuguese Proverb
Be sure not to owe anything to the rich, and don't lend anything to the poor.
Portuguese Proverb
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Portuguese Proverb
Better is my neighbour's hen than mine.
Portuguese Proverb
Better to have friends in the marketplace than money in your coffers.
Portuguese Proverb