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Portuguese Proverbs - page 25
He is no friend that eats his own by himself, and mine with me.
Portuguese Proverb
There is plenty of corn in Castile, but he who has none, starves.
Portuguese Proverb
The hen that stays at home picks up the crumbs.
Portuguese Proverb
The bird hunting a locust is unaware of the hawk hunting him.
Portuguese Proverb
Go not with every hunger to the cupboard, nor with every thirst to the pitcher.
Portuguese Proverb
By going gains the mill, and not by standing still.
Portuguese Proverb
Better have a bad ass than be your own ass.
Portuguese Proverb
A looker on sees more of the game than a player.
Portuguese Proverb
A good word quenches more than a cauldron of water.
Portuguese Proverb
The devil is not so ugly as he is painted.
Portuguese Proverb
It dawns none the sooner for all one's early rising.
Portuguese Proverb
Honour a good man that he may honour you, and a bad man that he may not dishonour you.
Portuguese Proverb
Friends are flowers in the garden of life.
Portuguese Proverb
Better to be queen for an hour than a countess for life.
Portuguese Proverb
A good thing is known when it is lost.
Portuguese Proverb
You will not see many with green eyes.
Portuguese Proverb
Vile let him be who deems himself vile.
Portuguese Proverb
Though the mastiff be gentle, yet bite him not by the lip.
Portuguese Proverb
The lame goat does not take a siesta.
Portuguese Proverb
It befits the king to be liberal, for he is sure of never falling into poverty.
Portuguese Proverb
He made me mad To see him shine so brisk and smell so sweet.
Portuguese Proverb
Every cock will crow upon his own dunghill.
Portuguese Proverb