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Portuguese Proverbs - page 24
Third time lucky.
Portuguese Proverb
A hungry wolf is not at rest.
Portuguese Proverb
An empty purse frights away friends.
Portuguese Proverb
Every pedlar praises his own needles.
Portuguese Proverb
Give a loaf, and beg a shive.
Portuguese Proverb
Better straw, than nothing.
Portuguese Proverb
Dear is cheap, and cheap is dear.
Portuguese Proverb
Give me money, not advice.
Portuguese Proverb
Grass doesn't grow on a busy street.
Portuguese Proverb
Every cock is valiant on his own dunghill.
Portuguese Proverb
Cheat me in the price and not in the goods.
Portuguese Proverb
Better is a leap over the ditch than the entreaties of good men.
Portuguese Proverb
An old man in love is like a flower in winter.
Portuguese Proverb
You have to suffer a lot or die young.
Portuguese Proverb
The one-eyes is a king in the land of the blind.
Portuguese Proverb
Pray to the saint until you have passed the slough.
Portuguese Proverb
Marry me forthwith, mother, for my face is growing wrinkled.
Portuguese Proverb
In default of bread, meal cakes are good.
Portuguese Proverb
He who serves two masters has to lie to one.
Portuguese Proverb
He is no great heir that inherits not his ancestor's virtues.
Portuguese Proverb
Chastise the good man, he will grow better; chastise the bad, and he will grow worse.
Portuguese Proverb
You have lent and not recovered; and if recovered, not so much; and if so much, not such; and if such, a mortal enemy.
Portuguese Proverb