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Portuguese Proverbs - page 22
Iron that is not used soon rusts.
Portuguese Proverb
Meddle not in what you don't understand.
Portuguese Proverb
There's no living without friends.
Portuguese Proverb
Trust not a dog that limps.
Portuguese Proverb
Every one reaps as he sows.
Portuguese Proverb
Good take heed doth surely speed.
Portuguese Proverb
Meowing cats catch fewer mice.
Portuguese Proverb
My chest locked, my soul safe.
Portuguese Proverb
Saints appear to fools.
Portuguese Proverb
Think of many things - do one.
Portuguese Proverb
A good cock was never fat.
Portuguese Proverb
Gifts break rocks.
Portuguese Proverb
The righteous pays for the sinner.
Portuguese Proverb
A finger's length in a sword, and a palm in a lance, are a great advantage.
Portuguese Proverb
There are many ways to leave this world but only one way to come into it.
Portuguese Proverb
The beast that goes well never wants a rider to try its paces.
Portuguese Proverb
Shut your door, and you will make your neighbour good.
Portuguese Proverb
Never mention rope in the house of a man who has been hanged.
Portuguese Proverb
He who has a good next, finds good friends.
Portuguese Proverb
Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
Portuguese Proverb
A little injury dismays, and a great one stills.
Portuguese Proverb
The worth of a thing is what it will bring.
Portuguese Proverb