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Portuguese Proverbs - page 19
Love knows no law.
Portuguese Proverb
Much caution does no harm.
Portuguese Proverb
To love and be wise is incompatible.
Portuguese Proverb
A beard once washed is half shaven.
Portuguese Proverb
Do ill, and expect the like.
Portuguese Proverb
A beggar's wallet is never full.
Portuguese Proverb
Foot firm till death.
Portuguese Proverb
Good and quickly seldom meet.
Portuguese Proverb
He threatens many who affronts one.
Portuguese Proverb
Much coin, much care.
Portuguese Proverb
There are ills that happen for good.
Portuguese Proverb
Where there's no might there's no right.
Portuguese Proverb
Better preventing than fixing.
Portuguese Proverb
From plate to mouth you miss the soup.
Portuguese Proverb
Raised children, doubled work.
Portuguese Proverb
The Sun rises for everybody.
Portuguese Proverb
With iron you hurt, with iron you'll get hurt.
Portuguese Proverb
Each head, a different judgement.
Portuguese Proverb
In a breadless home, everyone complains and nobody is right.
Portuguese Proverb
The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom.
Portuguese Proverb
The thief who steals another one is forgiven for 100 years.
Portuguese Proverb
From Spain can come neither good winds nor good marriages.
Portuguese Proverb