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Polish Proverbs - page 5
One ticket, one seat.
Polish Proverb
Seek and you shall find.
Polish Proverb
Shavings fly where wood is being chopped.
Polish Proverb
Stroke the horse until it is saddled.
Polish Proverb
The grunts of pigs never make it to heaven.
Polish Proverb
How you make your bed, thus will you rest.
Polish Proverb
The ill wind that blows is probably your mother-in-law farting.
Polish Proverb
Even a clock that is not going is right twice a day.
Polish Proverb
Pray once if you are going to fight, twice if you are going to sail, and thrice if you are going to get married.
Polish Proverb
The doctor demands his fees whether he has killed the illness or the patient.
Polish Proverb
Innocence itself sometimes hath need of a mask.
Polish Proverb
Even the goats will jump on a slanted tree.
Polish Proverb
Where the body wants to rest, there the legs must carry it.
Polish Proverb
One may teach another to speak, but none can teach another to hold his peace.
Polish Proverb
When the master has a cold the servants sneeze.
Polish Proverb
Even a clock that does not work is right twice a day.
Polish Proverb
When I had money everyone called me brother.
Polish Proverb
When a woman knows no more how to answer, she must be dried up.
Polish Proverb
A good bargain is a pick-purse.
Polish Proverb
The greatest oaks have been little acorns.
Polish Proverb
All times are good when old.
Polish Proverb
Beauty does not season soup.
Polish Proverb