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Persian Proverbs - page 9
One spark is enough to burn a hundred worlds.
Persian Proverb
The blind man is laughing at the bald head.
Persian Proverb
The dog is a lion in his own house.
Persian Proverb
The eyes can do a thousand things that the fingers can't.
Persian Proverb
The guard's sleep is the lamplight of the thief.
Persian Proverb
The lack of gold only a headache.
Persian Proverb
The lover who gives you her body but not her heart is generous with thornless roses.
Persian Proverb
The mud that you throw will fall on your own head.
Persian Proverb
The pleasure of finding something is worth more than what you find.
Persian Proverb
There are three kinds of enemy: the enemy himself, the friends of your enemy, and the enemies of your friends.
Persian Proverb
There is water in the jug, and we're going around thirsty.
Persian Proverb
These words won't become a loose skirt for Fati.
Persian Proverb
Treat your superior as a father, your equal as a brother, and your inferior as a son.
Persian Proverb
What my heart wanted didn't happen -- What God wanted, that happened.
Persian Proverb
Whatever I disliked, happened to me.
Persian Proverb
When its time has come, the prey goes to the hunter.
Persian Proverb
When the water goes uphill, the frog sings AbuAta.
Persian Proverb
Who has not had a taste longs to do so, but for whom has tasted then the longing is a hundred times more.
Persian Proverb
You can close the city gates but not the mouths of men.
Persian Proverb
You can't push on a rope.
Persian Proverb
You can't put an old head on young shoulders.
Persian Proverb
You can't put new wine in old bottles.
Persian Proverb