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Persian Proverbs - page 6
Little by little the cotton thread becomes a turban.
Persian Proverb
Often the best way of giving oneself what one lacks is to take from oneself what one has.
Persian Proverb
Once I had the strength but no wisdom; now I have the wisdom but no strength.
Persian Proverb
You can't squeeze blood from a rock.
Persian Proverb
They don't count the teeth of a gift horse.
Persian Proverb
This caravan is lame until doomsday.
Persian Proverb
When its time has arrived, the prey becomes the hunter.
Persian Proverb
This is not Kashan where the heap comes with the coolies.
Persian Proverb
He has fallen off the donkey, but has found a date.
Persian Proverb
For his master the dog is a lion.
Persian Proverb
Courtesy on one side can never last long.
Persian Proverb
As soon as a man gets new trousers, he thinks about a new wife.
Persian Proverb
Thinking is the essence of wisdom.
Persian Proverb
Courteous men learn courtesy from the discourteous.
Persian Proverb
Credit is better than wealth.
Persian Proverb
If you walk with your feet your shoe will get worn, if you walk with your head, your hat.
Persian Proverb
When there's fire, dry and wet burn together.
Persian Proverb
he keeps her/his face red with slaps.
Persian Proverb
Where the camel is sold for a cent, the ass is worthless.
Persian Proverb
The best of men are but men at best.
Persian Proverb
If the teacher be corrupt, the world will be corrupt.
Persian Proverb
Whatever is in the heart will come up to the tongue.
Persian Proverb