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Persian Proverbs - page 5
Epigrams might succeed where epics fail.
Persian Proverb
You can't polish a turd.
Persian Proverb
You don't put a wooden pot on the fire twice.
Persian Proverb
Bam's eggplant doesn't have a defect.
Persian Proverb
Crooked load will not get to the destination.
Persian Proverb
Death is a camel that lies down at every door.
Persian Proverb
Do well the little things now; so shall great things come to thee by and by asking to be done.
Persian Proverb
You ask the donkey when's Wednesday?
Persian Proverb
Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Persian Proverb
When a stone hits glass, the glass breaks. When glass hits a stone, the glass breaks.
Persian Proverb
Flies will never leave the shop of a sweetmaker.
Persian Proverb
For crystal rain falls from black clouds.
Persian Proverb
Get along with the village headman, plunder the village.
Persian Proverb
Give nine, save ten.
Persian Proverb
he has lost the horse, but is looking for the horseshoe.
Persian Proverb
Those who are richer, are needier.
Persian Proverb
The virtuous will be praised but not envied.
Persian Proverb
The water has passed his head.
Persian Proverb
If everybody said bread and cheese, you put your head down and die.
Persian Proverb
The doctor must heal his own bald head.
Persian Proverb
If you're a shoveler, shovel your garden first.
Persian Proverb
Our real grave is not in the ground but in men's hearts.
Persian Proverb