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Persian Proverbs - page 12
May God strike the rich man blind by his own gold.
Persian Proverb
No lamp burns till morning.
Persian Proverb
Comfortable is he who doesn't have a donkey - Doesn't know of its straw and barley.
Persian Proverb
Play, play, with the beard of the father also play?
Persian Proverb
In the hour of adversity be not without hope.
Persian Proverb
Raise what you've given birth to.
Persian Proverb
A broken sleeve holdeth the arm back.
Persian Proverb
Whatever you sow, you reap.
Persian Proverb
Go slowly and come slowly so that the cat won't gore you.
Persian Proverb
Good grape becomes fox's possession.
Persian Proverb
Spring won't come from one flower.
Persian Proverb
The best of friends must part.
Persian Proverb
A broken hand works, but not a broken heart.
Persian Proverb
A camel does not drink with a spoon.
Persian Proverb
Arabic is a language, Persian is a delicacy and Turkish is an art.
Persian Proverb
Do not choose for anyone what you do not choose for yourself.
Persian Proverb
Don't be afraid of he who's loud and noisy, be afraid of he who's head is down.
Persian Proverb
He takes from one ear, and lets it out from the other ear.
Persian Proverb
If it doesn't have water for me, instead it has bread for you.
Persian Proverb
If the Lor doesn't go to bazaar, everything will rot.
Persian Proverb
It is better to be in chains with friends, than to be in a garden with strangers.
Persian Proverb
Left from there, driven from here.
Persian Proverb