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Persian Proverbs - page 10
Trust in God - but tie your camel tight.
Persian Proverb
The fool's excuse is bigger than the mistake he made.
Persian Proverb
Seek truth in meditation, not in moldy books. Look in the sky to find the moon, not in the pond.
Persian Proverb
It is a real compliment that comes from an enemy.
Persian Proverb
He whose heart is aroused by love will never die.
Persian Proverb
Women are just like cats -- they always land on their feet.
Persian Proverb
The world is a rose: smell it and pass it on to your friends.
Persian Proverb
A stone thrown at the right time is better than gold given at the wrong time.
Persian Proverb
One sin is too much, a hundred prayers are not enough.
Persian Proverb
It is not from the love of God that the cat catches mice.
Persian Proverb
A blind man who sees is better than a sighted man who is blind.
Persian Proverb
He who want a rose must respect the thorn.
Persian Proverb
The mediator in a fight gets all the blows.
Persian Proverb
When a lion is old, he becomes the plaything of jackals.
Persian Proverb
The needle makes clothes but stays naked.
Persian Proverb
Every tear has a smile behind it.
Persian Proverb
You only appreciate your father the day you become a father yourself.
Persian Proverb
An ungrateful son is a wart on his father's nose. If he leaves it, it's ugly. If he removes it, it hurts.
Persian Proverb
The loveliest of faces are to be seen by moonlight, when one sees half with the eye and half with the fancy.
Persian Proverb
He who has been bitten by a snake fears a piece of string.
Persian Proverb
A sword in the hands of a drunken slave is less dangerous than science in the hands of the immoral.
Persian Proverb
A dog by your side is better than a brother miles away.
Persian Proverb