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Latin Proverbs - page 8
To place yourself under an obligation is to sell your liberty.
Latin Proverb
If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.
Latin Proverb
Vae victis.
Latin Proverb
In Hoc Signo vinces.
Latin Proverb
Cancrum recta ingredi doces.
Latin Proverb
Una hirundo non facit ver.
Latin Proverb
Abyssus abyssum invocat.
Latin Proverb
"History is the teacher of life.”.
Latin Proverb
There is truth in vine.
Latin Proverb
Repetition is the mother of study.
Latin Proverb
Save time!
Latin Proverb
Three makes a company.
Latin Proverb
The truth will set you free.
Latin Proverb
A common blot is held no stain.
Latin Proverb
A constant guest is never welcome.
Latin Proverb
A depraved mind never comes to good.
Latin Proverb
A diligent man ever finds that something remains to be done.
Latin Proverb
A dog in a kennel barks at his fleas; a dog hunting does not notice them.
Latin Proverb
A dog that has once tasted the flesh cannot be kept from the skin.
Latin Proverb
You will wear the ivy wreath, the victor's meed.
Latin Proverb
You would frighten a lion with a mask!
Latin Proverb
Tis gold, Which makes the true man killed, and saves the thief; Nay, sometimes hangs both thief and true man; what Can it not do, and undo?
Latin Proverb